Tax Type
General Provisions
Egg Excise Tax
Basis of Tax
Date Issued
Virginia Department of Taxation
DATE: June 1, 1984
SUBJECT: Egg Excise Tax
Senate Bill 363 enacted by the 1984 General Assembly amends Virginia Code § 3.1-796.11:4 pertaining to the Virginia Egg Excise Tax. This amendment which becomes effective July 1, 1984 broadens the definition of an egg handler.
For purposes of this tax, the term "handler" means:
- 1. Any person who a grading station, a packer or huckster who handles eggs or an eligible farmer who packs, processes, or performs the functions of a handler in Virginia.
2. An out-of-state farmer, packer, processor, distributor or other business which delivers eggs into Virginia for sale, distribution or consumption regardless of where the eggs were produced.
3. An in-state farmer, packer, processor, distributor or other business which purchases eggs out-of-state and transports such eggs into Virginia for sale, distribution or consumption.
- 1. Any person who a grading station, a packer or huckster who handles eggs or an eligible farmer who packs, processes, or performs the functions of a handler in Virginia.
All handlers must register, collect and pay the egg excise tax. An egg promotion tax return along with payment for the tax must be filed with the Department of Taxation by the 20th day of each month for the preceding calendar month. A copy of each completed return must also be filed with the Virginia Egg Commission.
Any handler who is not registered should complete an application, Form R-2, and send it to the Department of Taxation so that reporting forms may be provided.
Rulings of the Tax Commissioner