Organizations Eligible for Voluntary Contributions
To contribute to any of these organizations on your tax return, see the Instructions for Schedule VAC. You may also send your contributions directly to the organization. Following is a brief description of the services provided by the organizations that are eligible to receive voluntary contributions from your income tax return.
Virginia College Savings Plan and ABLEnow Contributions
You may contribute all or part of your refund to one or more existing Virginia College Savings Plan (Virginia 529) or ABLEnow accounts. Any contributions will be deemed to be for taxable year 2019.
Virginia 529
Virginia529 is a 529 college savings plan that offers flexible, affordable, tax-advantaged savings for qualified higher education expenses through its four programs: Prepaid529, Invest529, CollegeAmerica and CollegeWealth. (Please note that the CollegeWealth program is no longer accepting new accounts. Existing account owners may continue to contribute to their current CollegeWealth accounts.) For information on establishing accounts, visit
You are not required to be the owner of record for an account in order to direct a contribution of all or part of your income tax refund. However, only the Virginia529 account owner of record as of December 31 is eligible to take the Virginia state tax deduction associated with Virginia529 accounts.
ABLEnow is a new tax-advantaged way to save, invest and pay for qualified disability expenses of eligible individuals with certain disabilities. Generally, funds in an ABLEnow account are disregarded when determining eligibility for certain federal means-tested benefits programs, such as Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and for Commonwealth of Virginia means-tested benefits programs as well.
You are not required to be the owner of record for an ABLEnow account in order to direct a contribution of all or part of your income tax refund and the contributor is eligible to take the Virginia state tax deduction associated with ABLEnow accounts.
From Your Tax Refund
Office of the Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs
The Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs serves an important two-fold purpose, advocating for veterans and the defense community. For veterans, it distinguishes and elevates issues and opportunities for our veterans in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Of primary importance are the employment, healthcare, housing, and education needs of our veterans. With the nation’s largest percentage of veterans in the labor force, women veterans, and working-age veterans under the age of 25, the Secretariat maintains a particular focus on the employment of our newest generation of veterans, who have the necessary and critical skills needed in the Commonwealth. For the defense community, the Secretariat supports the quality of life of military personnel and their dependents serving across Virginia.
We are honored to serve the Commonwealth and our veterans, and look forward to working with you to continue to make Virginia the most veteran- and military-friendly state in the nation. Write to Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs, P.O. Box 1475, Richmond, VA 23218 or call 804.225.3826.
Virginia Nongame & Endangered Wildlife Program
This fund provides for research, management, and conservation of nongame wildlife species and habitats, including those listed by state or federal agencies as Endangered or Threatened and those identified as Species of Greatest Conservation Need in Virginia’s Wildlife Action Plan. Write to Department of Game & Inland Fisheries, Non-Game Donation, P.O. Box 90778, Henrico, VA 23228-0778 or call 804.367.6913. Visit
Political Party
Each taxpayer may contribute up to $25 to one of the following qualified parties: Democratic Party or Republican Party.
Virginia Housing Program
Supports locally-based organizations providing housing assistance to the low-income elderly, persons with mental or physical disabilities, and the homeless in need of emergency, transitional, or permanent housing. Write to Department of Housing & Community Development, Check-Off for Housing Programs, Main Street Centre, 600 East Main Street, Suite 1100, Richmond, VA 23219 or call 804.371.7000.
Transportation Services for the Elderly and Disabled Fund
Provides funding to local agencies to improve or expand transportation for older Virginians or individuals with disabilities who cannot drive or use public transportation. Services include transportation for jobs, medical appointments, and other essential activities. Write to Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services, 8004 Franklin Farms Drive, Henrico, VA 23229-5019 or call 804.662.9333.
Virginia Arts Foundation
Supports local artists, arts groups and schools in every city and county in Virginia. Write to Virginia Arts Foundation, c/o Virginia Commission for the Arts, 600 East Main Street, Suite 330, Richmond, VA 23219; email; or call 804.225.3132. Visit
Open Space Recreation and Conservation Fund
These funds are used by the Department of Conservation and Recreation to acquire land for recreational purposes and preserve natural areas; to develop, maintain and improve state parks and state park facilities and to provide matching outdoor recreation grants to localities. Write to Virginia Department of Conservation & Recreation, Open Space Recreation & Conservation Fund, 600 East Main Street, 24th Floor Richmond, VA 23219 or call 804.786.6124.
Children of America Finding Hope Inc.
Uses proven strategies and programs to meet emotional and physical needs of children who are disadvantaged, runaway, in crisis and delinquent by providing hope in a tangible form regardless of religion, race, gender, or socioeconomic status. Write to Children of America Finding Hope Inc., 1741 Terrapin Creek Road, Lynch Station, VA 24571; or call 276.608.2006. Visit
Virginia Federation of Humane Societies
Founded in 1959, the Virginia Federation of Humane Societies (VFHS) is committed to ending the unnecessary euthanasia of cats and dogs in Virginia shelters. In early 2017, VFHS launched “SaveVaPets - Crossing the No Kill Finish Line” with the focused goal of saving at least 90% of the dogs and cats sheltered in the Commonwealth. In early 2018, statistics showed that we had achieved an 86% save rate for Virginia’s sheltered dogs and cats. VFHS members include leaders from public and private shelters, rescue groups, veterinarians, animal control officers, and citizen advocates. Programs include funding for spay/ neuter and general support for local animal welfare organizations, advocating for humane laws for all animals, training for animal welfare professionals and advocates, and Spay VA which provides pet owners access to convenient and affordable spay/ neuter services. Your contribution to VFHS ensures a brighter future for Virginia’s animals and their caregivers. Write to Virginia Federation of Humane Societies, Inc. P.O. Box 545 Edinburg, VA 22824; email; or call 540.335.6050. Visit
Spay and Neuter Fund
All moneys contributed shall be paid to the Spay and Neuter Fund for use by localities in the Commonwealth for providing low-cost spay and neuter surgeries through direct provision or contract or each locality may make the funds available to any private, nonprofit sterilization program for dogs and cats in such locality. The Tax Commissioner shall determine annually the total amounts designated on all returns from each locality in the Commonwealth, based upon the locality that each filer who makes a voluntary contribution to the Fund lists as his permanent address. The State Treasurer shall pay the appropriate amount to each respective locality.
Virginia Cancer Centers
Virginia is fortunate to have two National Cancer Institute-designated Cancer Centers to serve the people of the Commonwealth: the VCU Massey Cancer Center and the University of Virginia Cancer Center. These two Cancer Centers work together to deliver the leading edge in contemporary cancer care in a supportive and compassionate environment, and to change the future of cancer care through research. Your contribution will enable us to help cancer patients today, and those who will be cancer patients in the future.
For University of Virginia Cancer Center, write to University of Virginia Cancer Center, P.O. Box 800773, Charlottesville, VA 22908-0773 or call 434.924.8432. Visit
For Massey Cancer Center, write to Massey Cancer Center, Virginia Commonwealth University, P.O. Box 980214, Richmond, VA 23298-0214 or call 804.828.1450. Visit
Medicare Part D Counseling Fund
Each year, individuals on Medicare have the opportunity to select or make changes to their Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage for the following year. Contributions are used to provide certified, local counselors who offer free, unbiased help to seniors, caregivers, and other Medicare beneficiaries to find the best plan. Counselors also work with beneficiaries to help them compare Medicare Advantage Plans and Medicare Supplemental Plans to determine if these plans are appropriate for them. Write to Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services, 8004 Franklin Farms Drive, Henrico, VA 23229-5019 or call 800.552.3042.
Virginia Foundation for Community College Education
The mission of the Virginia Foundation for Community College Education (VFCCE) is to provide access to education for all Virginians. Donations will be used to provide support for the VFCCE’s programs and initiatives. Write to Virginia Foundation for Community College Education, 300 Arboretum Place, Suite 200, Richmond, VA 23236 or email Visit
Middle Peninsula Chesapeake Bay Public Access Authority
The Public Access Authority (MP-PAA) recognizes that shorelines are high priority natural areas and that it is critical to set aside public water access sites for all types of recreational activities important to our economy and to the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia. All moneys contributed shall be used to improve existing public waterfront land owned by the MPPAA that can be enjoyed by the general public for recreation, education and research. Write to Middle Peninsula Chesapeake Bay Public Access Authority, 125 Bowden Street, P.O. Box 286, Saluda, VA 23149 or call 804.758.2311.
Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Fund
Donations will be directed to the Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Fund to support future increased access to the treatment of breast and cervical cancer for women enrolled in the Medicaid program. The Virginia Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (BCCEDP), also known as Every Woman’s Life, strives to promote women’s health by providing free mammograms, clinical breast exams, Pap tests, and pelvic exams to women who qualify. This program contracts with screening sites throughout Virginia to provide cancer-detection services and provides prompt follow-up care when necessary. All screening tests are performed in accordance with current national recommendations and women enrolled in the program who are diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer may be eligible for benefits under the Virginia Medicaid program.
Donations deposited to the Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Fund shall be used to support the treatment of breast and cervical cancer for women under Medicaid pursuant to the federal Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Act of 2000. Up to 10% of the Fund may be used annually to conduct screening activities for breast and cervical cancer under the Every Woman’s Life Program administered by the Virginia Department of Health. Write to Department of Medical Assistance Services, 600 E. Broad Street - 8th Floor, Richmond, VA 23219 or call 804.786.8099.
Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center Foundation
When you give a gift to the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center Foundation, you support the future of our world’s oceans. Your gift allows the Virginia Aquarium to provide educational offerings to visitors and outreach programs to schools; maintain our vast array of exhibits, including exhibits featuring animals from around the world; and conduct vital research and conservation activities, like our award-winning marine animal Stranding Response Program. Write to Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center Foundation, 717 General Booth Blvd., Virginia Beach, VA 23451 or call 757.385.3474.
Virginia Capitol Foundation
The Virginia Capitol Foundation is the independent, nonprofit, non-partisan, tax-exempt organization supporting the ongoing restoration, preservation, and interpretation of the Virginia Capitol, Capitol Square, and Executive Mansion. The Virginia Capitol is the front door of the Commonwealth and a living monument to democracy. Through outreach efforts, educational programs, and advocacy, the Virginia Capitol Foundation will disseminate Virginia history to inspire current and future generations to public involvement and service and to positively impact our region, both culturally and economically. Write to Virginia Capitol Foundation, P.O. Box 396, Richmond, Virginia 23218 or call 804.786.1010. Visit
Community Foundations
To see a list of the eligible Community Foundations and their codes, see the Schedule VAC instructions.
Library Foundations
To see a list of the eligible Library Foundations and their codes, see the Schedule VAC instructions.
From Your Tax Refund or Tax Payment
Federation of Virginia Food Banks
The Federation of Virginia Food Banks, a partner state association of Feeding America is the largest hunger relief network in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Federation is composed of the 7 regional Virginia and Washington DC food banks, consisting of facilities in 14 strategic locations. The primary mission of the food banks is to feed hungry Virginians, through more than 2,608 member agencies that directly serve those in need. In addition, the Federation of Virginia Food Banks handles the coordination and distribution of food and supplies to victims of disasters and emergencies both locally and nationally. Write to Federation of Virginia Food Banks,1415 Rhoadmiller St., Richmond, VA 23220 or visit
Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund
More than half of Virginia’s lands drain into the Chesapeake Bay. This fund is used to help meet needs identified in the state’s clean up plan for the Bay and the waters that flow into it. Write to Virginia Secretary of Natural Resources, 1111 E. Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219 or call 804.786.0044.
Family and Children’s Trust Fund
Contributions support the prevention and treatment of family violence in local communities and through statewide public awareness projects and activities. Family violence includes child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and elder abuse and neglect. Write to Family and Children’s Trust Fund, 801 East Main Street, 15th Floor, Richmond, VA 23219; email; or call .804.726.7604. Visit
Virginia’s State Forests Fund
State Forests are self-supporting and managed to sustain multiple natural resources and values [benefits]. Conservation practices protect wetlands, enhance critical wildlife habitat and preserve unique natural areas for biodiversity, and provide long-term applied research for restoration and reforestation of native species. Demonstration areas provide private forest landowners with practical, effective solutions to resource management challenges. Recreation opportunities and conservation educational programs are available statewide in all seasons to any age or experience level. State Forests are open to the public without fee for hiking, bird watching, and nature observation. Horseback riding, mountain bike riding, fishing, hunting, and trapping are allowed on certain state forests with a use permit. Write to Virginia Department of Forestry, ATTN: State Forest Fund, 900 Natural Resources Drive, Suite 800, Charlottesville, VA 22903 or call 434.977.6555.
Virginia Military Family Relief Fund
In 2006, with support from the Virginia Legislature, Governor Tim Kaine established the Military Family Relief Fund (MFRF). This is a quick response grant program to assist military and family members of the Virginia National Guard and the United States Reserve Components who are residents of Virginia, and, who are called to active duty for periods in excess of 90 days in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom and up to 180 days after their return, as well as those called to missions in support of Virginia civil authorities, including state active duty and federal defense support to civil authority missions, for periods in excess of 30 days. The Military Family Relief Fund assists military families with urgent or emergency needs relating to living expenses including but not limited to food, housing, utilities, and medical services. Each need is considered on its own merit. Write to Virginia National Guard Family Programs, 5901 Beulah Rd., Sandston, VA 23150 or call 804.236.7864.
Public School Foundations
To see a list of the eligible Public School Foundations and their codes, see the Schedule VAC instructions.