Tax Type
Corporation Income Tax
Virginia Neighborhood Assistance Act; Certification of credit
Date Issued
April 29, 1986
Dear ****************
Thank you for your letter of April 8, 1986 concerning the Virginia Neighborhood Assistance Act. The Department of Social Services is charged with administering the Act and certifying to the Department of Taxation the credit allowable to each taxpayer. The Department of Taxation accepts the credits certified by the Department of Social Services in processing the taxpayer's return. The taxpayer attaches to the tax return the certification furnished by the Department of Social Services.
Because the Department of Social Services has the responsibility of administering and certifying the taxpayer contribution, I have forwarded your letter to *********************, Commissioner of the Department of Social Services, for reply.
Please let me know if additional information is needed.
W. H. Forst
Tax Commissioner
Rulings of the Tax Commissioner